
Sunday, 15 February 2015

Why Linear (Line Grafts) and Round or Square grafts are not an appropriate method in hair transplant surgery?

In the linear graft method, a 3-4mm linear strip of donor hair is eliminated from the side or back of the scalp and instead of separating the strip into follicular unit grafts so, the complete strip or large parts of it transplant on the scalp. Since this huge hair graft can’t be placed in small recipient sites, a deep area must be surgically cut into the bald area and the huge long hair graft is placed into the deep trench. As hair grows, it looks like a totally man made line of hair that is not cosmetically suitable and unnatural.

Round or Square grafts methods are the original, standard, out of date and pluggy-looking grafts. Each 3-5mm hair graft is made with a hole-punch device for transplant, resulting in a plug of hair about the size of a pencil eraser because of the hole-punch device. Whether these long and huge hair grafts are round or square, they are too long and do not even slightly resemble the system hair grows naturally from the head. When the huge and long hair grafts transplanted as a result, it compromises the blood supply, hair in the middle of the graft some time does not grow, leaving the patient with a doughnut head effect. These inappropriate long grafts are wrong for transplant and due to this procedure, the patient may suffer with a cobble-stoning disease, which is a common scalp defect seen in hair transplant patients.

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